Results for 'Suhrdam Sarvabmtdndm Jndtvd Mdm Sdntimrcchati'

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  1. Philosophy of non-violence and world-peace in srimadbhagavadgita.P. K. Gayathri & Suhrdam Sarvabmtdndm Jndtvd Mdm Sdntimrcchati - 2006 - In Yajñeśvara Sadāśiva Śāstrī, Intaj Malek & Sunanda Y. Shastri, In quest of peace: Indian culture shows the path. Delhi: Bharatiya Kala Prakashan. pp. 257.
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    Supporting Marginalized Decision-Maker’s Autonomy(ies).Armand H. Matheny Antommaria & Elizabeth Lanphier - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (6):22-24.
    Amy E. Caruso Brown (2022) considers situations in which a minor child’s parent or legal guardian (the “marginalized decision-maker (MDM)”) defers to another individual (the “primary decision-maker...
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  3. Is Global Workspace a Cartesian Theater? How the Neuro-Astroglial Interaction Model Solves Conceptual Issues.Samuel Bellini-Leite & Alfredo Pereira - 2013 - Journal of Cognitive Science 14 (4):335-360.
    The Global Workspace Theory (GWT) proposed by Bernard Baars (1988) along with Daniel Dennett’s (1991) Multiple Drafts Model (MDM) of consciousness are renowned cognitive theories of consciousness bearing similarities and differences. Although Dennett displays sympathy for GWT, his own MDM does not seem to be fully compatible with it. This work discusses this compatibility, by asking if GWT suffers from Daniel Dennett’s criticism of what he calls a “Cartesian Theater”. We identified in Dennett 10 requirements for avoiding the Cartesian Theater. (...)
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    Two Cheers for Transformative Constitutionalism.Dennis M. Davis & Karl Klare - 2024 - Law and Critique 35 (3):487-533.
    We argued in earlier work that South Africa's democratic transition accomplished more than abolishing formal apartheid and replacing it with civil and political democracy. The transition also established a platform for “transformative constitutionalism,” an aspiration and generous constitutional framework for South Africa to embark on a postliberal path toward becoming an egalitarian social and economic democracy. Manifestly, the promised social and economic transformation remains largely unfulfilled. Many South Africans blame the constitutional settlement for this failure of delivery, seeing it as (...)
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  5. Prevalence and Cognitive Profiles of Children With Comorbid Literacy and Motor Disorders.Cameron Downing & Markéta Caravolas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is a high prevalence of comorbidity between neurodevelopmental disorders. Contemporary research of these comorbidities has led to the development of multifactorial theories of causation, including the multiple deficit model. While several combinations of disorders have been investigated, the nature of association between literacy and motor disorders remains poorly understood. Comorbid literacy and motor disorders were the focus of the two present studies. In Study 1, we examined the prevalence of comorbid literacy and motor difficulties relative to isolated literacy and (...)
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    Parental refusal of life-saving treatments for adolescents: Chinese familism in medical decision-making re-visited.H. U. I. Edwin - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286–295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the 'AP-physician-family-relationship' and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision-making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese writers from (...)
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    An Algorithmic Approach to Patients Who Refuse Care But Lack Medical Decision-Making Capacity.Maura George, Kevin Wack, Sindhuja Surapaneni & Stephanie A. Larson - 2019 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 30 (4):331-337.
    Situations in which patients lack medical decision-making (MDM) capacity raise ethical challenges, especially when the patients decline care that their surrogate decision makers and/or clinicians agree is indicated. These patients are a vulnerable population and should receive treatment that is the standard of care, in line with their the values of their authentic self, just as any other patient would. But forcing treatment on patients who refuse it, even though they lack capacity, carries medical and psychological risks to the patients (...)
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    Parental Refusal of Life‐Saving Treatments for Adolescents: Chinese Familism in Medical Decision‐Making Re‐Visited.Edwin Hui - 2008 - Bioethics 22 (5):286-295.
    This paper reports two cases in Hong Kong involving two native Chinese adolescent cancer patients (APs) who were denied their rights to consent to necessary treatments refused by their parents, resulting in serious harm. We argue that the dynamics of the ‘AP‐physician‐family‐relationship’ and the dominant role Chinese families play in medical decision‐making (MDM) are best understood in terms of the tendency to hierarchy and parental authoritarianism in traditional Confucianism. This ethic has been confirmed and endorsed by various Chinese writers from (...)
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    Ethics Commentary.Michael Robertson - 2013 - Asian Bioethics Review 5 (3):230-234.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Ethics CommentaryMichael Robertson, Senior Research FellowThe French philosopher Michel Foucault once recounted the story of the English King, George III, being restrained by his guards at the direction of his physician Dr. Willis. King George, presumably deranged by a psychotic mania consequent upon porphyria, was incapable of self-rule and his power was usurped by the medical profession in an act of coercion tantamount to treason. This for Foucault was (...)
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    Awareness, mental phenomena, and consciousness: A synthesis of Dennett and Rosenthal.Teed Rockwell - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (5-6):463-76.
    Both Dennett and his critics believe that the invalidity of the famed Stalinist-Orwellian distinction is a consequence of his multiple drafts model of consciousness . This is not so obvious, however, once we recognize that the question ‘how do you get experience out of meat?’ actually fragments into at least three different questions. How do we get: a unified sense of self, awareness and mental phenomena? In the latter chapters of Consciousness Explained, Dennett shows how MDM has a radical and (...)
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    Patterned Hippocampal Stimulation Facilitates Memory in Patients With a History of Head Impact and/or Brain Injury.Brent M. Roeder, Mitchell R. Riley, Xiwei She, Alexander S. Dakos, Brian S. Robinson, Bryan J. Moore, Daniel E. Couture, Adrian W. Laxton, Gautam Popli, Heidi M. Clary, Maria Sam, Christi Heck, George Nune, Brian Lee, Charles Liu, Susan Shaw, Hui Gong, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Theodore W. Berger, Sam A. Deadwyler, Dong Song & Robert E. Hampson - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16:933401.
    Rationale: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the hippocampus is proposed for enhancement of memory impaired by injury or disease. Many pre-clinical DBS paradigms can be addressed in epilepsy patients undergoing intracranial monitoring for seizure localization, since they already have electrodes implanted in brain areas of interest. Even though epilepsy is usually not a memory disorder targeted by DBS, the studies can nevertheless model other memory-impacting disorders, such as Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). Methods: Human patients undergoing Phase II invasive monitoring for (...)
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